
Invitation to the Seventeenth National Symposium of Parasitology and the Eighth International Symposium of Parasitology


Invitation to the Seventeenth National Symposium of Parasitology and the Eighth International Symposium of Parasitology

Animal Parasitology: Host-Parasite Co-evolution

October 16 – 20, 2019, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China


Dear colleagues,


The Chinese Society of Animal Parasitology (CSAP) under the China Zoological Society (CZS) announces the 17th National Symposium of Parasitology and the 8th International Symposium of Parasitology are being planned for October 16 – 20, 2019, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China. The theme of this symposium is Animal Parasitology: Host-Parasite Co-evolution, the development of new intervention strategies based on improved understanding of the pathogens and hosts. It covers all areas of research on parasites and parasitic diseases in the era of post-omics, especially new developments in epidemiology and prevention and control of zoonotic and vector-borne parasites; interactions between parasites and hosts; molecular systematics, genetics, cellular and molecular biology of parasites; immunoparasitology; and novel technologies in the research, diagnosis and treatment of parasites.


This notice is to announce the venue and to request updates of our mailing list, ESPECIALLY UPDATED EMAIL ADDRESS. If you know of people who should be on our mailing list, please forward them with a copy of this announcement and ask them to send us their names, mailing addresses and email address to be included in the mailing list for further announcements.


Please complete the registration form and your information in the attached Excel and return by email to:


Professor Xun Suo, Secretory of CSAP (suoxun@cau.edu.cn), and his assistant: Associated Professor Xianyong Liu (liuxianyong@cau.edu.cn)

  1. 中国动物学会
  2. 2019-09-24 14:02:57.0

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